Help Stop Donkeys From Being Bludgeoned for Chinese Candy, Cosmetics, and Virility Drinks

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Donkeys are affectionate, inquisitive, and social creatures, yet PETA Asia investigators found terrified donkeys—some only months old—who had been bashed on the head with a sledgehammer. In addition, their throats had been slit and they had been left to die so that their skin could be boiled down for ejiao, a gelatin used in traditional Chinese medicine, snacks, and cosmetics.

The international trade in ejiao means that many gentle donkeys are stolen, sold, and slaughtered. And the demand for ejiao is growing, meaning that donkeys in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America, and elsewhere will face a hideous death. But now, there’s a chance to help dry up the market, country by country. The U.S. is the world’s third-largest importer of ejiao, and you can help us stop the killing!

“The international trade in donkey-hide gelatin products is leading to the mass slaughter of donkeys and widespread harm to impoverished communities around the world, and Congress should take action to halt all importation of those products into this country,” says Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.), who introduced the Ejiao Act (HR 5203). “More and more people in poorer countries are seeing animals upon which they depend stolen and killed to meet demand from the ejiao trade. The United States should take action and help shut down this illicit trade that leads to substantial harm to humans and animals worldwide.”

The Ejiao Act would prohibit the sale or transport in interstate commerce of ejiao made using donkeys’ skin. Passing this bill would be a game-changer.

Please take action now to help spare kind and gentle donkeys.

You are vital to this cause, and your voice counts with your legislators. Please, use the form to ask your U.S. representative to cosponsor HR 5203 today! And please get others with a kind heart to do the same.

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